Arkansas For Nursing

Who We Are

Mission - The mission of the Arkansas for Nursing (AFN) organization is to promote the profession of nursing in the state of Arkansas. 

Purpose - The purpose of AFN shall be to advance effective nurse recruitment and retention programs by promoting a positive image of nursing, nursing school enrollment, nursing career opportunities for Arkansas licensed nurses, and help promote nursing as a viable career option. 

Organizational Guidelines - No part of the funds received for AFN shall benefit or be distributed to its Board of Directors (BOD). Funds received for AFN shall only be used to achieve the mission and purpose of the organization. Funds received for AFN shall be used for organizational operational expenses, marketing expenses and sponsored event and meeting expenses. The BOD must approve all expenses prior to accruing the expense. The AFN shall not adopt any practice, policy, or procedure that results in discrimination on the basis of age, race, ethnicity, creed, disability, lifestyle, gender, health status or sexual orientation. The AFN fiscal year is July 1 through June 30. 

Membership - Membership and support to AFN comes from the BOD, representatives from Arkansas nursing education programs, representatives from Arkansas hospitals, representatives from Arkansas nursing organizations, and any interested individuals and healthcare agencies who share the mission of the organization.  Arkansas nursing education programs may become a partner with AFN by paying yearly dues, which AFN then extends recruitment and advertising options. See the Educational tab for a list of of AFN educational partners.  

We are excited about nursing and eager to help YOU learn about educational and career opportunities in our beautiful state. If you are interested in becoming a nurse, please browse our site to learn more. If you are a hospital or nursing educational program representative, please join us and use our site to promote nursing in Arkansas.

Thank you for your interest and welcome!

Dr. Tamisha Gatewood-Henderson

President, Arkansas For Nursing